

Nos pâtisseries en surgelé chez vous, c’est possible ! Envoi dans toute la France.

Les Belles Envies, the low GI reference

Guaranteed well-being and gourmet pleasure with a certified low GI of 35 (60% less than the GI of a traditional pastry)

white sugar free
white flour free
Frozen delivery
in France

Our customers speak best about our products

Our Controlled Glycemic Index label (igc®)

The Controlled Glycemic Index registered by Les Belles Envies certifies that all our products are tested in vivo* to guarantee a very low glycemic index (≤ 35).

* Tests of our future recipes carried out on a panel of 12 non-diabetic volunteers, using the only internationally recognised GI measurement protocol. 2015 Recommendations of the International Consortium for Glycemic Index Measurement – ISO 26642:2010 STANDARD

 Our signature products

A revisiting of classics French pastry, as well as signature and seasonal recipes

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